Ingrid MARIA

Freelance backend web developer

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Ingrid MARIA, 36 years old,
Backend web developer,

Passionate and experienced in web development ((with more than 10 years of expertise and a specialty in backend development), since 2019 I have an independent activity and I put my expertise, my services and my know-how available to professionals.
I propose you the realization of your website (websites and institutional sites, e-commerce sites, intranets sites, editorial sites etc.) with Symfony 5/6, Wordpress 5/6 - Woocommerce, Prestashop 1.7/8.1 and/or Magento 2 technologies. I work with all types of clients (ESN, Communication agencies, Startups, Freelance etc.) in management in the regions of Toulouse, Albi, Montauban or in remote. Listening to needs, I make my priority the satisfaction of the end customer, for this reason I attach great importance to the quality of the work provided and trains me as much as possible to the latest innovations.

For any further information on my area of expertise, my achievements or simply because you want to exchange an idea or get a quote, I invite you to contact me via the form of the site or contact me directly, I will be happy to answer you !



Backend development

Symfony (v2 to v5), Wordpress (v3 to v5), Prestashop 1.7, Magento 2, PHP 5/7, POO & MVC Concepts, Twig & Smarty, Composer & NPM, ORM (Doctrine)/SQL/MySQL/MariaDB, PHPUnit, API Restful...


Frontend development

HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript (Vanilla, Jquery, Ajax), Bootstrap, Productivity tools (LESS/SASS, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack)...


System (os, servers & services)

Debian, Ubuntu, Apache, Postfix, DNS, CRON Tasks, Ansible & Docker notions...


Various tools

PHPStorm, Versionning & plateforms (Git/SVN, Bitbucket, Github), Communication (Slack, Trello, Teams Microsoft), Redmine & Jira, SensioLabs Insight, PageSpeed Insights...


Various Api

Google (Google Map, Recaptcha, Analytics, Tag manager, Youtube), API Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Viadeo/Linkedin, Paypal...


Seo, speed and performance

SEO, Ergonomics, Accessibility, Cache (APC/Memcache/MySQL...), Service Workers (Workbox), Lighthouse...



Passionate about the complexity of computer development and wanting to meet ever more challenges, my training allow me today to create showcases, institutional sites, e-commerce sites, blogs and web applications.

Business applications

Aware that some open-source solutions can not meet all our requirements, I am able to create tailor-made web applications tailored to business needs (e-commerce application, management application, quizzes etc.).

Technological watch

Concerned with technical advances and always wanting to be at the forefront of technology, I am trained as much as possible to the latest news to be able to meet all your requirements and all your needs and I am able to make your websites compatible with all screen resolutions and to all types of support.

Advice & Monitoring

From the study of the project to its online, I am able to guide you on the technical constraints required at the level of hosting with respect to the technical specificities of your project, I accompany you on the work of SEO but also on the audit of analytical traffic.

Latest projects

You will find below a non-exhaustive list of projects on which I have worked in recent years :
business projects, end of studies projects as well as personal projects !

Boutique Centrakor - Project thumbnail

Boutique Centrakor

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Europacity Compétences - Project thumbnail

Europacity Compétences

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Site personnel - Project thumbnail

Site personnel

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Site personnel - Project thumbnail

Site personnel

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Acteon Register Trium & Unity - Project thumbnail

Acteon Register Trium & Unity

Read more - Project thumbnail

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MCA Ma déco - Project thumbnail

MCA Ma déco

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Clairsienne Propriétaire - Project thumbnail

Clairsienne Propriétaire

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Vie Plus - Project thumbnail

Vie Plus

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Oldnick GO & Oldnick Spiced - Project thumbnail

Oldnick GO & Oldnick Spiced

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Acteon Soprocare - Project thumbnail

Acteon Soprocare

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Suravenir - Project thumbnail


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  • CARGO Group - Toulouse Oct. 2019 - Auj.

    Backend developer Magento 2 (freelance)

    Development of the different phases of a contest (Loftmusic) and reworking of the code of an existing module to add a new delivery method and adapt it to the needs of the customer, Centrakor store. Development of custom modules for Centrakor and Laulhère stores. Various bug fixes. Code review. Deployment in preproduction and production. Documentation writing.

  • Monkees / Publicis Activ - Toulouse Dec. 2014 - Aug. 2019

    Web developer

    Various development mainly backend development (Symfony, Wordpress, Prestashop, PHP) but also some integrations front.

  • Morning Players, Toulouse March - Nov. 2014

    Web developer

    Web development with Prestashop (v1.5.6.2 à : updates on modules, maintenance, bug fixes, module development (FO & BO), HTML integration, css design and other missions.

  • Avéolys (Reunion Island) Aug. 2012 - Oct. 2013

    Web developer

    Development of business applications, websites, web referencing, telephone support, implementation of SSL security certificates (with simple authentication and double authentication (client / server)) and other missions.

  • FORMAT (Reunion Island) Apr. - June 2012

    Mobile application developer (Android)

    Development of a native management application for Android platforms..


  • IFORCO Mar. - Oct. 2014


    Formation in CMS web development : Wordpress, Prestashop.

  • Picardie's University, Jules Vernes Oct. 2012 - Sept.2013

    Reunion Island

    Professional license web developer (2nd position in promotion).

  • Reunion's IUT Aug. 2010 - June 2012

    Saint-Pierre, Reunion Island

    DUT Network and Telecommunications (2nd position in promotion).

  • Reunion's University Aug. 2007 - June 2008

    Saint-Denis, Reunion Island

    Licence of Science, Technology and Health.

  • La Possession's High School (Reunion Island) July 2007

    La Possession, Reunion Island

    Bachelor S, SVT option, specialty Physics Chemistry.